Class Styles

We offer a full menu of classes & recommend you eat everything up!

Flow Series - Flowing style that builds strength & stamina

Unravel Series - Flowing style that unpacks tension from the body

ChillOut Series - Yin, Restorative, Myofacial Release etc

Stabalising Series -Mat Pilates & Light Resistance + Mobility + Breathwork - Osteopathically Designed

We also have a range of combination classes which offer 50:50 ratios of two different styles or 15min meditations.

Flow & ChillOut Series

Click on the + to read more about each Class Style

  • Combination: Flow, Hatha, Vinyasa

    This is a flowing style of yoga designed to build strength. There is a smooth flowing nature to these layered & optionally dynamic sequences of yoga postures.   Different teachers will have different rhythms however we do not do “fast” yoga. Our teachers are properly trained with decades of experience behind them.  Come & try them all to see which ones work for you...maybe thats different from day to day depending on whats going on in your life. It is considered optimal for physical health, to be able to adapt to different paces.

    Flow is a strong flowing yoga practice.  Generally moving at a rhythm that is conducive to Tai Chi and the movement of energy at 20cm per second.  You wont be able to use momentum, gravity or any external forces in this practice.  You require the ability to build on your own internal forces, strength & focus to move with control at all degrees of movement. 

    It takes real strength, real stamina, and a truly disciplined mind to master this practice.   You can slip deep into a moving meditation in these classes & imagine that you will be deeply challenged.

    This class will flow through various postures & invite the opportunity to play with more advanced options.  Just remember that there will be many different levels of practice & different motivations or priorities for practicing.  Stay with what works for YOUR body.  That is truly the most sophisticated yoga practice!

    PLEASE NOTE: Some more Dynamic options may be offered but if they are not for you, simply please do not take them.  There are many bodies, ages, injuries etc in the room:  the beauty of yoga is that much of the skill is listening to your own body.  

    Tuesdays 4:15pm and Saturdays 10am Flow classes tend to be a little more dynamic. If you are unsure of your own practice and how to modify, it is not recommended to take this as your first class. You will be good to go in here after a week. Please dont be intimidated by this… we are simply catering to all needs in this room. The most sophisticated practice is when you know how to listen to, and respect your own body! We dig that ;). Some days are for taking it easy on the mat because we have hit it hard in other aspects of life. Honour that.


  • Combination: Slow Flow & ChillOut

    Want to unwind your body after a hard day? Need a balance of movement & relaxation but limited on time? Bingo!

    This class is 50/50.  Slow flow & Chillout. Spend half the time practicing stronger postures to stimulate circulation & strengthen your body.  Then spend the second half chilling out in a more restorative, opening & relaxing manner. Leave feeling strong, calm & spacious.

    We know you will love this efficient use of time.  Awesome combo! 


  • Enjoy a beautiful juicy embodied flow capped with a dedicated 15 minute meditation. The meditation may be any style that resonates with the teacher. Please feel free to make requests.

    If sitting does not suit your body, you are welcome to lay down.

  • A combination of our ChillOut class (Yin, Restorative etc)  PLUS a 15 minute Meditation.  

    Open up your body and manipulate your physiology so that your hormonal profile supports a more calm mind.  And then sit in Meditation for 15 minutes to close.  You are welcome to lay down if sitting is uncomfortable for you.

    Take the day off the body and the mind!

    Meditation will be the style chosen by the teacher and could be anything from Yoga Nidra to Vedic.  Feel free to give a request to your teacher!


  • Combination of styles: Yin, Restorative, Myofascial Release, Feldenkrais, Qi Gong, Pranayama (breath Techniques) & Meditation. (Beginner Friendly)

    Literally as it sounds ;)  This is a beautifully relaxing & opening practice which combines the wisdom of multiple invaluable modalities. 

    All aspects of your life, and your yoga practice, will benefit from this ever so balancing practice. The intimate relationship you build with the intricacies of your body will improve the way you do everything in life: from breathing to flexibility to strength to holding challenging conversations.

    You are encouraged to turn your attention deeply within as you nurture yourself through the process of undoing the implications of daily life in our predominantly tense & over-stimulated world. This will give you a wonderful sense of balance in both mind & body.  

    Your body’s intelligence systems will get a remarkable opportunity to release electromagnetic energy/information via the nervous system to the brain, increasing your body's ability to heal efficiently as well as improving overall vitality & energy levels. This is a treat!


    RESTORATIVE YOGA is more about the nervous system than it is about stretching muscle tissue (although that is generally a bi-product). We teach our body's how to truly relax by resetting the nervous system to switch off habitual messages from the brain which fire off the muscles unnecessarily. This also then allows for the vessels of circulation to work more efficiently to deliver nutrients & carry away toxins as they are no longer strangled by unnecessary muscle tension.

    YIN YOGA is a style which revolves around the connective tissue (fascia) and the joints. Yin is a fantastic practice for getting deep openings throughout the body via long holds in deep opening postures. You will work to increase joint range of motion, release tension, repair damage, work into your meridians and increase vital circulation  

    If you are pregnant, hypermobile in any of your joints, or if you have had a baby in the past 2 years; let your teacher know so that we can advise you accordingly ;) 

ALL classes have 3-5 min Meditations built in for optimal mental clarity.


Unique to Wild Gypsea Wellness

A flowing, relaxing style that unpacks tension from the body and increases circulation & relaxation.

This unique style weaves in elements of:

Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Qi Gong, Slow Flow, Myofacial Release, Active stretching techniques, Somatics & Tai Chi

  • Combination: Qi Gong, Slow Flow, Restorative, Somatics, Tai Chi.

    This is a flowing style of yoga designed to unpack the day, soothe the nervous system and restore the body by releasing tension & increasing circulation to all corners of your body.

    This is a beautiful gift to yourself. A gentle practice which has a powerful ability to improve circulation and allow the body to re-align by gently loosening the soft tissue and allowing the bones to find the correct alignment in joints. A truly relaxing movement based practice that will take you on a journey home to yourself after a busy day. Using active stretching reprograms muscle memory leaving you feeling more spacious for longer. Leaving with the body in the parasympathic arm of the nervous system meaning you feel more calm inside. Hormonally you are in a state of rest & digest.

    Appropriate for all types of fitness levels, age and ability. This is a true gift to yourself & we highly recommend you give this a try!


  • Starting with some gentle movements designed to unpack the day & loosen up your joints, then dropping into 15 mins Meditation.

    Various meditation styles offered with the intention of assisting you in relaxing & taking back control of your mind.

    It is encouraged to sit during meditation however if this is uncomfortable in your body, it is better to lie down so that you can fully immerse your mind without distraction.


  • A combination of our Unravel & ChillOut styles.  Delivered at a 50:50 ratio of both styles.

    Begin with some gentle moving actions to "unravel" your body from your day before dropping into some long held, deep meditative stretches.


Mat Pilates & Light Resistance + Mobility + Breathwork

Exclusive to Wild Gypsea Wellness

Fun & challenging. Our stabalising classes will work your body from head to toe. Lengthen, strengthen, tone & stabalise to epic tunes getting the good endorphins flowing and leaving you feeling fab!

The room will be set at a warm temp. Just enough to make sure the body moves well and safely.

We use 1kg wrist & ankle weights as well as 1-5kg dumbells plus more!

  • Combination: Osteopathic Techniques, Movement Therapy, Neural Programming, Nerve Flossing, Resistance Training, Optional Light Weights, Strength Building, Myo Facial Release and more.


    The Mobility+Strength classes are perfect for ALL bodies.

    If you are an elite athlete, tracking menopause, post injury,  post natal or haven't been into fitness before... Everybody will benefit from these unique & scientifically fuelled sessions.

    A balanced combination of opening locked muscles, waking up sleeping muscles, correcting movement patterns neurologically and resistance training.  Please note you may not add much weight until your movement patterns are in order.

    The class is set up to make sure you mobilise the entire fascial system, neurologically connect to intelligent movement, then build strength, have a mild cardiovascular workout (just enough to get the dopamine & endorphins flowing!)

    We finish off opening the body effectively ensuring optimal circulation and spaciousness in the body so that nutrient dense blood can move through your capillaries with ease and plump your cells to optimal health condition which won’t just leave your body functioning well, it will improve energy levels.

    We close with a seated meditation & breathing technique to shut down any stress hormones being produced, maximise recovery in the muscular system (less aches) and stimulating the parasymathetic arm of the nervous system kicking. You walk out with better posture, feeling strong, balanced, alert, positive & calm. We will make sure you drain excess cortisol without adding more! So you get all the benefits without the downsides of less calculated workouts.

    The breathing technique we finish with has not only shown to stabilise your hormones dramatically, it is also MORE EFFECTIVE than having an ice bath during the week for muscle recovery - latest from Stamford University.

    Your body is operating closer to the way it is designed so it will last longer & function better. This intelligent practice is carried out in a mindful manner, upholding the ancient yogic scriptures which read “the state of yoga is attained when the cessations of the mind cease to fluctuate”. This is unique to the Hub & was created by our Founder, Eva Büman.


    These Unique Sessions were formulated by Eva after an accident left her in a wheel chair.  After many years of state level competitive sports, 20 years of yoga practice and a Health Science degree,  Eva went on a learning journey which changed her approach forever.  

    Eva has worked with the leaders at Tennis Australia & Womens sports Australia, right through to Special Forces personnel. She is able to inspire improved technique in everyone from elite athletes, right through to those who have endured many injuries.  

    Do yourself a favour!  Get to these sessions!

    The room will be set at a warm temp. Just enough to make sure the body moves well and safely.

    Heat will not be used if the weather is warm. Instead you will enjoy an open air session with the fresh sea breeze flowing through our bi-fold windows.


    Fun & challenging. Our mat pilates clases will work your body from head to toe. Lengthen, strengthen, tone & stabalise to epic tunes getting the good endorphins flowing and leaving you feeling fab!

    The room will be set at a warm temp. Just enough to make sure the body moves well and safely.

    We will not use heat on warm days. Instead we practice with the windows open and enjoy the beautiful sea air!

Protect yourself from injury and make sure your joints are in good condition to handle the more flowing + intensive practices.

You need to acknowledge that you are working with body weight.

 That means, to take ONE chataranga, you need to be able to bench press your body weight in slow motion to be doing it safely and properly - You are more than likely using the incorrect muscles and damaging your neck and shoulders.

You need equal Strength to match your Mobility!

If you intend to practice yoga, we highly recommend that you get to our Exclusive Osteo Designed Mobility & Strength sessions at least once a week with our Founder & movement specialist Eva Büman.

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